Cleaning Ventilation Ducts: Important Points

Cleaning Ventilation Ducts: Important Points

Ventilation ducts are vulnerable to dust and debris getting inside them from inside the house, outside the house, and through the ducts themselves. Most people simply install duct systems and then never check back on them, which results in the contamination of the ducts and their inefficiency over time. Having service providers like Nettoyage conduits ventilation Imperial clean the ventilation ducts is the best way to keep things hygenic. 

Air Ducts and Health Problems

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) argues that there is no clear-cut direct connection between dirty air ducts and health problems. Here are some important considerations that the EPA recommend keeping in mind:

  • Cleaning ventilation ducts does not directly prevent health problems
  • There is no or negligible association between an increase in dust levels and dirty air ducts. Likewise, there is no evidence that air dust decreases after cleaning ventilation ducts
  • Most of the dust that goes through ventilation ducts does not spread in the air but adhere to the surfaces of the ducts
  • Air ducts are not the ultimate source of dust in houses
  • Increased levels of dust and particulate matter in houses because of air ducts don’t directly correlate with health risks
  • There is no direct evidence that cleaning ventilation ducts significantly increase their efficiency
  • Clean your ventilation ducts only on an as-needed basis

When should you clean your ventilation ducts?
Well, as the EPA points out, your ventilation ducts do not need cleaning under ordinary conditions. The reason is that they negligibly lead to an increase in dust concentration in the air in your house, and it also doesn’t lead to significant illnesses due to contamination. The dust that goes through ventilation ducts normally sticks to its surfaces. 

However, these are ordinary situations and shouldn’t be generalized to all conditions. Most people neglect taking care of their ducts for years which does lead to significant problems. If you notice unexplained allergies and illnesses in your household, it’s probably because of ignoring the care of your ventilation ducts. If you ignore the maintenance of your ventilation ducts for years, their efficiency will get decreased, and they will cause problems. That’s why you should clean your ventilation ducts with the help of services that follow NADCA guidelines at least every two years. Avoid using biocides unless it is absolutely necessary and you are fully aware of the precautions associated with their use. 


Ventilation ducts may not get dirty easily and lead to unexplained allergies and illnesses; however, ignoring them for years can be problematic. Most people do not think of cleaning ventilation ducts at all. Although regular cleaning may not be necessary, cleaning ventilation ducts every two years is helpful. 

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Dallas Jackson